Hey, I’m Jay

And I have ADHD.

By day, I program video games, in my free time I make things. What kinds of things? Yes.

For well over a decade I have been professionally programming for a few different companies. I made my start in software development for four years before getting the privilege to work in the games industry. it’s tricky work, but interesting work. It’s like perpetually solving new puzzles, every day there’s a new problem to wrap your brain around.

Being an ADHD’er, one big drive is the novel and creative, and my way to feed that is with my art and making. The more time that passes, the more various crafts I’ve tried. You’ll find a wide variety of things I’ve made (or attempted to make) in my gallery. Anything from sewing and knitting, to leatherworking and paracord weaving, to carpentry and sculpting. You name the craft, I’ve either tried it out, or it’s on my list to give it a go.

Why have I made this website? Mainly just to be able to coalesce all of my musings into one place, rather than having twenty different little spaces. You’ll find new pages and galleries show up as I continue to delve into more and more ideas and hankerings.